Today, having an online presence is important for any business. In this article, we specifically talk about the benefits of having a website for interior designers Company.
Interior designing is one of the categories of business that can benefit tremendously by having a website. Themexriver has created websites for interior designers/architects till date and we have seen that these clients get consistent traffic
and leads through their website. It’s amazing to see how helpful a website can be not just for established Interior design firms but also for freelance designers. To understand how,
Portfolio is the number one thing that any potential client would like to see from an interior designer. Sharing your entire body of work through brochures, emails or meetings is so limiting and also not the most effective way. But with a website, you can present your work to users so that they can see it from anywhere and anytime and the best part is that you can show as much as you want to. Upload images, brochures, videos and let potential clients know how amazing an interior designer you are.
Do you have any famous clients? Then highlight it on the website Did your work get featured in a magazine? Share a picture of the article or link to it on the website. Do you have a degree in designing or certification course that is revered high? Mention it in your bio on website
Website is the perfect place to build your brand by showcasing your career highlights, shining moments, best work and much more.
Ask your happy customers to write some words about your work and post those on the website. Testimonials are one of the most powerful tools in building your credibility. With a website, not only can you share a client testimonial but you can share the work you have done for the client. It helps hugely in creating a positive impression about your brand in visitors minds.
Your potential clients would want to know who they would be working with. With a website, you can share information about yourself and your team members. You can talk about yours and your teams’ education, work experience, interests, strengths etc . It helps visitors connect better with your brand and enhances credibility.
With a website, you can share informative articles which can engage your visitors and clients. You can also publish content from social media pages to your website and drive visitors to like and share them. It helps in spreading awareness of your brand and build a strong community of engaging audience.
There are thousands of interior designers and brands in the market. To differentiate yourself from other players and communicate your value proposition, website is the best medium. You can share how your brand adds value to your clients and why they should choose you.
Also when it comes down to choosing an interior designer to work with, more than 60% of users tend to trust the ones with a website. So having a website helps you in beating competition.
And of course the best reason is that through a website, you can generate leads. You can drive traffic to your website through search engines, social media and other marketing channels which ultimately results in lead generation.
And the leads that come through your website have already seen the pictures on the website and have an idea about the work you have done. So, the quality is usually higher than the leads that come through other sources.